Monday, February 18, 2008


TRANSMISSION BOOKS was created as an extension of TRANSMISSION PRESS, a chapbook press, to publish longer books. TRANSMISSION BOOKS will solely use POD (print on demand) technology to release all books under this imprint. Thru the use of POD services TRANSMISSION BOOKS hopes to give space in the printed world to books that may have never seen the glue that binds.

Like TRANSMISSION PRESS chapbooks, this imprint hopes to be a place for the more under-represented poets in the community.



All titles can be ordered thru PayPal in the sidebar. If you'd rather not buy thru PayPal, you can try Amazon or other online distributors, or you can order by sending a check made out to Logan Ryan Smith here:

Logan Ryan Smith
711 Leavenworth St., #35
San Francisco, CA 94109

Be sure to send the appropriate payment and indicate which title you are ordering.

For a limited time only, if you order a TRANSMISSION BOOK, you can get 2 chapbooks from TRANSMISSION PRESS for free. Be sure to indicate which 2 chapbooks you want when you order.


TRANSMISSION BOOKS will be closed to submissions until it really gets its wheels rolling, but feel free to inquire about submitting at any time by emailing Logan Ryan Smth at loganryansmith AT gmail DOT com. But don't email if you're the type to get all butt-hurt over having yr poetry turned down for publication. Because, chances are, you will send only to have your butt hurt. And there's no crying in poetry.

Secondly, TRANSMISSION BOOKS was created as a way to publish great books as affordably as possible. This means that if yr book is accepted for publication you will get only 10 - 15 copies (depending on how much money Logan has at the time) sent to you after publication . After that, you will have to purchase all extra copies at-cost.

You should know, too, that Logan is almost always on the verge of being broke.

Lastly, books published thru POD do, honestly, have some limitations. One of them is that it's difficult to get POD books distributed to bookstores. If you want to have yr book in yr local bookstore you may have to do the consignment thing with them, even though all TRANSMISSION BOOKS will have an ISBN-- depends on the bookstore, I guess. Publishing yr book thru an imprint that uses POD technology makes the distribution and marketing aspects a joint venture between the publisher and the author. However, all books published thru TRANSMISSION BOOKS will be available thru all major online book distributors, including Amazon.


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